These are some of the actions the Indigenous Peoples Task Force are taking to continue caring for our community while preventing the spread of COVID-19
HIV/HepC Testing
HIV/HepC testing continues BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Testing hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only, from 8:30 – 2:30. Call 612-834-7938 to schedule a testing appointment.
Syringe Exchange
We continue to provide Syringe Exchange and supplies on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between the hours of 1-4. Please text text 651-808-3965 before arriving so we know how to prepackage your supplies. Clients will receive a week’s supply. Click this link for the calendar of other community agencies providing Harm Reduction supplies.
Keep the Fire Alive Program
Our youth programs are meeting in smaller sessions online and it is going well. If you would like to get connected to this program contact Brenna at (612) 722-5670.
Narcan Trainings
We now have online training for reversing opioid overdose. Our trainers are offering customized workshops and more in-depth support through Zoom sessions with groups all over the state.
Waybinagay – Smoking Prevention and Cessation
Waybinagay program continues in an online format. To learn more contact Suzanne Nash at (612) 205-5472.
Case Management
The team of case managers at Indigenous Peoples Task Force are continuing to work remotely and address issues around medical access, non-medical benefits, and housing, particularly for people with HIV and syringe users. We are still taking on new cases. How can we help you?
COVID-19 Community Engagement
We are partnering with the Minnesota Department of Health to eliminate stigma, reduce fear, and enhance health equity as Minnesota works to eliminate the surge in COVID infections and related deaths. Read more and sign up for updates on where you can get a COVID-19 test.
Please check back as these conditions may change.