IPTF offers many programs to the community to support the mission of strengthening and enhancing the health and education of native people.
Asemaa (Tobacco Programs)
Our Tobacco Programs support the healthful use of tobacco in a sacred manner.
HIV Programs
Our HIV Programs provide support and education to native peoples dealing with HIV infection.
Housing at Maynidoowahdak Odena
We have a 14 unit housing complex which includes aspects of tribal community living for individuals with disabilities, and their families.
Youth Education Through Theatre
Our Youth Education Through Theatre program helps the next generation educate one another about the risks of tobacco and other drug use, HIV awareness, and helps build positive self-esteem and strong cultural foundations.
Giikinoo-amaage-gidiwin Gitigaan “The Teaching Garden”
This programs is designed to teach our young ones about Planting Traditional Asemaa, Gathering our sacred medinces, growing traditional foods, and restoring our language.
Nibi-Water Walk
To learn more about the Nibi-Water walk, please visit the external website for that program.
Mikwanedun Audisookon
At 12,350 sq ft, the new center will provide office, training and education, creative and community spaces for the use of the indigenous community and the neighborhood.