We are here to support you.

Indigenous People’s Task Force
1335 E 23rd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Main (612) 870-1723
Fax (612) 729-9373
email: iptf@indigenouspeoplestf.org



Sharon Day, Executive Director
Direct: (612) 721-0253, Cell: (651)325-8077


Jim Berling
Financial Manager
Direct: (612) 870-1723

New Building: Mikwanedun Audisookin (Remembering What We Always Knew)


Mike Neumann, Mikwanedun Audisookin Project Coordinator
Direct: (612) 722-5670


Photo of S Nash

Suzanne Nash
Maynidoowahdak Odena Community Housing Center, Housing Director
Direct: (612) 722-6248; Cell: (612) 205-5472

HIV Programs


Abiel Gebrehiwat, HIV Program Manager
Direct: (612) 724-1316; Cell: (612) 968-7891


Barb Bourquin, HIV Testing Coordinator
(612) 729-9244; Cell: (612)834-7938


Mo Mike, Coordinator
HIV Testing Tec & Outreach
Syringe Program: Harm Reduction
(612) 407-2410

Ganawemia (Case Management)

Suzanne Nash, Case Management Program Supervisor
Direct: (612) 722-6248; Cell: (612) 205-5472

Wil Dykes, HIV Medical Case Manager
(612) 889-4636

Sara Horton, Non-Medical Case Manager and Benefits Counseling
(651) 435-3344

First Medicines Programs

Photo of S Nash

Suzanne Nash First Medicines Program Manager
Waybinagay (Tobacco Program)
Indigi-baby Maternal Health and Child Nutrition
Direct: (612) 722-6248; Cell: (612) 205-5472


Mike Neumann, Agroecology Coordinator & Mikwanedun Audisookin Project Coordinator
Indigi-Baby Maternal Health and Child Nutrition (612) 722-5670

Youth Programs


Brenna Depies, Youth Programs Director
Keep the Fire Alive
(612) 722-5670

Payton Counts, Program Assistant
Keep the Fire Alive
(612) 722-5670

Curtis Kirby, Program Manager and Theater Director
Ikidowin Teen Pregnancy Prevention & Youth Theater Acting Ensemble
Waybinagay (Tobacco) Program, Youth Coordinator


Joseph Nash, Assistant
Ikidowin Teen Pregnancy Prevention & Youth Theater Acting Ensemble
Waybinagay (Tobacco), Youth Assistant
Direct: (612) 270-1629